Kanava Resort

Puistoniementie 8
58130 Oravi


The easiest way to travel to Kanava Resort is by car. Oravi is located on the route 468, about 40 kilometers away from Savonlinna. You can also arrive at Kanava Resort by boat, which can be anchored at Oravi’s guest harbor.

The closest airport and train station to Oravi are located in Savonlinna.


For questions related to the cabins and their amenities or in case of malfunctions, you can contact our maintenance. You can find the contact information for maintenance in the house book located in the living area of each rental cabin.

Let us know how your visit went

We would love to hear about your visit to Kanava Resort! You can send us feedback by emailing info@rukavillas.com.

You can also rate us on TripAdvisor.

If you share pictures or videos of your visit on social media, please remember to tag @kanavaresort on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

Looking for a holiday destination elsewhere in Finland?

Our stunning accommodation options at Kytäjä in Southern Finland and amidst the mountain scenery of Ruka in Northern Finland offer high-quality and modern lodging without compromising on the tranquility of nature and beautiful landscapes.

Support granted by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of South Savo (Etelä-Savon ELY-keskus)

In support of establishing Kanava Resort, a business grant co-financed by the European Union was sought, which enabled the construction of a new nature tourism destination. The existing services and collaboration networks of the vibrant village of Oravi, along with the region’s larger events and proximity to national parks, provided a strong foundation for the project. The company’s goal is to expand the tourism business in Finland. The grant was allocated for investment and business development., with the aim of meeting the growing international and domestic demand for nature tourism as it recovers from the coronavirus pandemic.

Nine eco-friendly and high-quality holiday homes were built in Puistoniemi, Oravi. The Kanava Resort tourism destination opened in the summer of 2023.

A strong network of collaboration has been established with local tourism operators. The business has had a smooth start, attracting customers from around the world. Kanava Resort has found its place as a nature tourism destination, popular with both domestic and international travelers.

The future of Kanava Resort in the tourism sector looks bright. The resort’s commitment to sustainability and safety, along with the general impact of climate change on the appeal of northern tourism, influence travelers’ choices. Sustainability communication is an ever-evolving part of the brand strategy, and Kanava Resort is committed to enhancing this through all of its communication channels. This focus on sustainability provides the company with a tangible competitive advantage and an attractive draw for visitors.